The Liebster award is something I found out about a few weeks ago. It's a tag, a quite personal one, as there are 11 questions about yourself you have to answer. The Liebster Award is a new way to discover new and upcoming blogs. To me, it seems like a lot of fun and as I was blogging a bit today, I found out I had been nominated by
Carmen. I decided to answer all of these questions in a post. I really hope you like reading this random stuff about me! :)
Before I start, here are the rules of the Liebster Award:
- Mention the blogger that nominated you.
- Answer the questions the blogger asked you.
- Think of 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award yourself.
- Let the nominees know that they're nominated.
How many time do you spend on your blog?
It's hard to say how much time I actually spend on my blog. It really depends on how much homework I have and it also depends on what kind of post I'm making. But I would say that creating an outfit for lookbook, photographing it, uploading it and writing something with it takes 2 hours each week. Things like trends where I make collages usually take an hour and with reviews it also depends on what I'm doing. So I would say I spend 4 hours a week on my blog.
What do you like the most about blogging?
What I like the most about blogging is that I can show you guys what I like to wear, and what I bought and that you can tell me what you think about it as well. What I also like is that I can give reviews so you know what to buy and what you better not buy and I like giving everyone tips on fashion.
What would you like to accomplish in your life?
There is a lot that I would like to accomplish in life, but there are three main things that I would like to do. The first thing is that I want to fight for gay rights and I want to fight against bullying. I think equality and acceptance is very important and I want to be able to help people. The second thing is that I want to achieve something in fashion. I have always loved fashion and my biggest dream is to become a fashion designer. Still, I'm afraid that I won't be good enough as a designer because of a lack of inspiration, but I'm never giving up on my dreams. The third thing is that I want to become a model. I know it's a hard thing to accomplish and I know that a lot of other girls want this too, but I have just always dreamt about being on the cover of magazines and walking runway shows.
(Dennis Diem AFW 2013)
Do you have a special memory, and if you do, which one?
I have a lot of special memories, but I'm telling you the most recent one, which is the
Born This Way Ball. As you probably already know I'm a huge fan of Lady Gaga, and last September I went to the Born This Way Ball with my mother and one of my best friends, Marc, who is also a huge Lady Gaga fan and I met him because of Gaga. We were very close to the stage and I had a wonderful time. She's such a great singer, the stage was amazing and so were the outfits. So yeah, this is a really special memory to me.
Which person would you want to be, and why?
This is such a hard question, because there are so many people that I absolutely adore and look up to. But if I had to choose, I think I'd choose to be Lana Del Rey. Not only because she's a beautiful person and I am jealous of her gorgeous hair and every piece of clothing she owns, but also because she's just different than other artists. Her voice is calm yet powerful and her appearance is very mysterious, which keeps people interested.
Which piece of clothing would you never throw away?
I'm very attached to all of my clothes and don't really throw away stuff very often, because you never know if something is useful again a few years later. However, I do throw away stuff when it doesn't fit anymore. But there's one thing that I'd never, ever throw away, and that's my sequined biker jacket by Rare London. I love this jacket so much and I think I'd cry for days if I ever had to throw it away, haha :(
Who is your favourite designer?
I think each and every designer is special in their own way. But I'd have to say that my favourite designer of all time is Alexander McQueen. He was such an incredible designer and he kept impressing me with all of his collections.
Which trend would you want to disappear as soon as possible?
Well, I'd have to say creepers. I can't help it, but I just absolutely hate these shoes.
Which item is on top of your wishlist?
That would definitely be a parka with leather sleeves. I've seen a lot of parka's on other blogs and Lookbook lately, and I just really want one too because they seem very comfortable. I really want a more fitted one, because I'm very tiny and most parka's are too big for me, even the smallest size and I just want it to have leather sleeves, because of the contrast.

Look by Cindy van der Heyden on
Never wearing make-up again or a bad hair day every day?
I would say never wearing make-up again. I don't wear a lot of make-up anyway, just some eyeliner and mascara, and I wouldn't mind wearing no make-up to be honest. And I don't think I could handle a bad hair day every day!
Which make-up product would you advise everyone to buy?
You may have read that lately I've been obsessed with coloured lip balms, and I just love them because it's a bit more wearable than a bright lipstick, plus it makes your lips really soft. My absolute favourite is Applelicious Glossy Lip Balm by NYC. You can get them in 4 different colours and they smell SOOO GOOOOOD.
My questions for the bloggers that I nominate:
-Why did you start blogging?
-What is your favourite perfume?
-What is your favourite accessory?
-What do you prefer: shopping online or in real life?
-If you could choose one city to visit in this world, which city would you choose?
-Which person would you want to meet?
-What is your dream job?
-What do you prefer: prints or solid colours?
-Which colour would you want to dye your hair?
-If you were forced to get a tattoo, what would it be?
-How would you describe your style in 3 words?
The bloggers that I nominate:
I really hope you guys liked reading this and I hope that this post wasn't too long. I'd like to thank Carmen once more for nominating me, I think it's really sweet!
Lots of love,